SPARQL Query: All instantiations of Mirage and Organic Honey with location (image) and total number of works for each location.

Note: Try this query as a BUBBLE CHART visualization as well from the menu on the left-hand side in this window.


To run this query yourself, copy and paste the code below in the gray box into the Wikidata Query Service. Click here for a tutorial and notes on how to modify this query or write your own!


Query source code:

SELECT ?location ?locationLabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) (group_concat(?artworkLabel; separator="; ") as ?artworks)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". 
                           ?artwork rdfs:label ?artworkLabel .
                           ?location rdfs:label ?locationLabel . }
  ?artwork wdt:P170 wd:Q453808.
  ?artwork wdt:P1343 wd:Q91439317.
  ?artwork wdt:P276 ?location.
GROUP BY ?location ?locationLabel 
ORDER BY DESC(?count) ASC(?locationLabel)