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Welcome to the David Wojnarowicz Knowledge Base
The David Wojnarowicz Knowledge Base is a project of the Artist Archives Initiative at New York University. As an information resource, it is intended to aid curators, conservators, and others who are researching the work of David Wojnarowicz. It contains information that we believe will be helpful for future exhibitions, conservation interventions, and writing about his work. Much of this information is drawn from the David Wojnarowicz Papers in the Downtown Collection of artist papers located in the Fales Library at New York University.
Dig in and send us your feedback. This is an ongoing project that we hope to build out over time. We encourage contributions from other researchers who find this resource helpful and would like to add to it. Please see our How to Contribute page to submit content to the Knowledge Base or send questions to the Knowledge Base Manager.
Please visit the Artist Archives Initiative website to learn more about the larger aims of our work, then come back to learn more about this pivotal late twentieth century artist/activist. As we move forward with expanding the website, conducting symposia, and encouraging publication, we aim to advance discussion on broader issues underlying the curation and conservation of contemporary art, including concerns about authorship, authenticity, and ethical responsibilities of professional actors.
The David Wojanrowicz Knowledge Base was originally developed on the MediaWiki platform and rendered in the current static format in June 2020.